Nikoloz Samkharadze: Georgia is ready to facilitate the peace dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan

The delegation of the Parliament of Georgia is participating in the 21st autumn session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Yerevan. The press service of the Parliament disseminates the information.

According to them, in his speech, the Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and the head of the permanent delegation of the Georgian Parliament to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Nikoloz Samkharadze, spoke about the visit of the OSCE President Pia Kauma and the delegation to Georgia, as well as the regional role of our country.

"I think it was a very timely visit to assess the current situation and explore the possibilities of establishing lasting peace in the South Caucasus. It was also very important for the delegation to visit the occupation line and the settlements of internally displaced persons. Those persons who have been unable to return to their homes for more than 15 years (some - 30 years) due to the Russian occupation. Here, I would like to point out that Georgia is ready to facilitate the peace dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan. We are ready to offer Tbilisi as a platform for negotiations and we hope that with the commitment that both sides have publicly expressed and made, we will be able to celebrate lasting peace between our two brotherly neighboring countries in the coming months. From our side, Georgia is ready to facilitate the dialogue," said Nikoloz Samkharadze.

The head of the Georgian parliamentary delegation was responded to by the president of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Pia Kauma.

"It was very pleasant to visit Georgia. Now, it is a very important moment for Georgia, because we all know that you have been granted the status of a candidate for the European Union, which will be announced officially in a few weeks, in December," Pia Kauma said, noting that the OSCE fully supports Georgia's territorial integrity and promotion of peace dialogue between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

"We were near the occupation line and on the ground, we got acquainted with the current situation. We saw what it is like when another country illegally occupies the territory of another country, we talked to the population. There we saw with our own eyes a situation that cannot be accepted under any circumstances. We give you our full support. Also, we fully support you in the process of facilitating a peace agreement in the region. You have an important role in supporting the negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan," said the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

Together with Nikoloz Samkharadze, Chairwoman of the European Integration Committee, member of the permanent delegation of the Georgian Parliament to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Maka Bochorishvili participated in the meeting.

*The quotes in the article have been double-translated from Georgian and wordings may be inaccurate.

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